Additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) offers unlimited possibilities in terms of design, speed and production processes. We have the know-how to apply it in serial production.

Our accelerative technology

GF Casting Solutions has long-standing expertise in metal processing and serial production. With our manufacturing technologies, we develop and supply ready-to-mount solutions for customers in six market segments. With additive manufacturing, we provide even more speed and flexibility. Our solutions range from 3D-printed sand cores for iron casting solutions to the serial production of 3D metal printed solutions and additive manufacturing expertise.

3D metal printing for aerospace, motor sport and energy

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AMotion Center

Click here to learn more about the AMotion Center - your metal 3D-printing specialist for aerospace and energy

Learn more about additive manufacturing at our AMotion Center!

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Valentina Zangheri

Process Engineer

GF Additive Novazzano SA

Via Gaggiolo 27

6855 Stabio


3D sand printing for iron casting solutions

Since June 2018, our iron casting plant in Leipzig (DE) has had its own innovation center with a team working on additive manufacturing and its application for sand cores used in iron casting. The department has started on a twin job box with a build volume of 1,800 x 1,000 x 700 mm each.

Moreover, GF Casting Solutions agreed on a long-term development partnership with ExOne GmbH to quickly benefit from future development of the technology and to bilaterally improve the production processes. Our customers benefit from the time and cost reductions for prototypes and spare parts, higher process reliability—no assembly of cores—and virtually infinite freedom of design.

Lukas Blumenauer

Local apprenticeship program manager

GF Casting Solutions Leipzig GmbH

Georg-Fischer-Straße 2

04249 Leipzig
